Bente Moseholm and her family and other helpers were run off their feet when they invited people to come to the open house on Saturday July 6th. More than 1000 people came, even though it was raining both when the exhibition opened and closed.
“We are delighted in the interest shown, and I understand those who thought they had to walk a long way. Cars were parked almost halfway to Faaborg,” Bente Moseholm said.
The new exhibition has been curated by art historian Theis Vallø and exhibition designer Morten Underbjerg from Skitsehandlen in Faaborg.
The exhibition shows the artist’s humor in the section with his small round men, his naturalistic side with a focus on the female body, his work with sculptures in public areas as well as his work with large sculptures.
The exhibition is in the largest exhibition room. The large sculpture garden is also open to visitors.
July 2024
Keld Moseholm’s Atelier and Garden has opened an exhibition of the artist’s sculptures and drawings that have never before been shown. The exhibition shows the artist’s humor in the section with his small round men, his naturalistic side with a focus on the female body, his work with sculptures in public areas as well as his work with large sculptures. The exhibition is in the largest exhibition room. The large sculpture garden is also open to visitors.
¨We have attempted to present Keld Moseholm’s sculptures in a new and original way. We are showing new pieces that have only been seen by a few, and we focus on the process from the sketches to the casting of large sculptures. We have talked a great deal with Bente Moseholm about how the exhibition rooms and workshops could be presented, and this has resulted in a new exhibition and even a different name for the place,” says Theis Vallø, curator from Skitsehandlen who has been invited by Bente Moseholm to organize the exhibition together with Morten Underbjerg.
The name is now “Keld Moseholm’s Atelier and Garden”.
“A great many people have asked to see the exhibition rooms and the large garden and the opening days in July and August are an attempt to make these visits possible,” says Bente Moseholm, the artist’s widow. “I am looking forward to showing Skitsehandlens new exhibition of my husband’s sculptures and drawings.
Contact Theis Vallø with questions about the exhibition:
Telephone: +45 28 58 23 24
Contact Bente Moseholm for a tour:
Telephone: +45 40 42 16 13
June 2024
The exhibition opens on Saturday April 20 th and runs up to and including
June 9 th .
The artists association The Funen Spring Exhibition, has chosen to
commemorate Keld Moseholm at this year’s spring exhibition in SAK in
Svendborg. The exhibition committee which consists of two members,
Lars Abrahamsen and Poul Lee, have now selected the works that are
to be shown: 5 naturalistic pieces and several more of Keld Moseholm’s
characteristic small round figures. They also wish to exhibit some of
Moseholm’s drawings. The naturalistic pieces are a plaster figure of his
daughter Annette more than a meter high, two standing bronze figures
and two figures of gymnasts.
One of the pieces of the round figures has not been previously exhibited
in Denmark. The sculpture was exhibited in a Swedish gallery many
years ago and was sold. It represents a time when Keld was working
with weightlessness. It is a one-off piece which is now back in the
One of the other pieces which has been selected also has references to
Sweden. Keld Moseholm was inspired after a meeting in Stockholm in
which several Nobel prize laureates were present, and he created a
sculpture which was given the title “Growth”, but which he privately
called “The world’s best brains”. The sculpture is however ambiguous,
like many of the other works with the round figures.
Keld Moseholm was a member of the artists association for more than
50 years and exhibited his work at the spring exhibition as often as he
was able.
In addition to Keld, the group will also be remembering another member
who is deceased, Anette Holdensen.
The exhibition opens on Saturday April 20 th at 2 p.m. in SAK, Vestergade
27 to 31 in Svendborg, and runs until June 9 th .
See here who is showing work this year and what will be happening
during the time the exhibition is open.
Also, read the tributes about the two artists being commemorated at the
“With his art academy background in sculpture, he mastered both the figurative and the astute that we know so well. It was clear that the figures sprang from a thorough schooling, and he never took the easy way out.”
From the sculptor Sys Svinding’s tribute, written in connection with the
commemorative exhibition at SAK
April 2024
The exhibition opens on Saturday April 20 th at 2 p.m. in SAK, Vestergade
27 to 31 in Svendborg, and runs until June 9 th .
The Australian media have, naturally, been very preoccupied with the fact that “their” Mary has become the queen of Denmark. The Daily Telegraph has chosen to write about Keld Moseholm’s participation in the exhibition and to show this photo, taken in 2011, of the royal couple together with Keld Moseholm, while he talks about his work.
Journalist David Mills writes that it was during a visit to Sculpture by the Sea, just after the Olympic Games in 2000, where the couple first met, that Crown Prince Frederik had the suspicion that Mary, who showed him around the exhibition, could become the future
queen of Denmark.
The source of this information is David Handley – the creator of Sculpture by the Sea – and he says that the crown prince himself said this at the opening of the exhibition on the beach in Aarhus several years later, in 2009.
He says the Danes were electrified. Never before had they heard a member of the royal
family talk about their first date.
The sculpture Keld Moseholm participated with in 2011 depicts a rolling pin rolling people
January 2024
Over the years, Keld Moseholm and his family have developed a special relationship with the arrangers of the exhibition Sculpture by the Sea, and they invited his wife Bente to go and receive the special prize that the Friendship Society of Denmark, Australia and New Zealand had awarded him.
Bente went to Australia with her daughter Annette Moseholm Scheel, and they had some wonderful experiences on trips to places where Keld Moseholm ́s sculptures are permanently placed. They saw, amongst other things, the sculpture ”Together we are strong” which the Friendship Society of Denmark, Australia and New Zealand has bought from Keld Moseholm a few years ago. It represents the Danish part of 3 sculptures that were the beginning of a Sculpture Trial that has since been established through one of the areas, namely Snowy Valley in New South Wales, which was hit hardest by the violent fires of recent years.
The trip also included a visit to Canberra where they saw Moseholm ́s sculpture ”On the Staircase” together with the Danish ambassador to Australia, Pernille Kardel. The sculpture is placed in Gorman Art Center since 2009.
Keld Moseholm has exhibited many times since he became part of the circle of exhibitors of 110 selectd artists in 1999.
October 2023
Bente Moseholm and her daughter Annettte Moseholm Scheel together with the Danish ambassador to
Australia, Pernille Kardel in Canberra, looking at Keld Moseholm ́s work ”On the staircase”.
The Danish-Australian-New Zealand friendship association has awarded a
special prize to Keld Moseholm, a friendship prize, to be marked by this sign
which has been placed by his sculpture at this year’s exhibition.
Throughout all the years that Keld Moseholm has exhibited at Sculpture by the Sea the
association has always praised his work and chose to buy one of Keld
Moseholm’s pieces for the art trail that now leads through one of the areas that
has been hit hardest by the devastating fires of the last few years, Snowy Valley
in New South Wales.
October 2023
Keld Moseholm’s sculpture “Square Root” is now in place on the white sand on
the beach between Bondi and Tamarama in northern Sydney, Australia.
It ended its long journey from Dyreborg to Sydney by crane - as you can see - and is now
ready for the opening of the exhibition today, October 20th.
There are 100 artists participating, showing their work this year on the beach
between Bondi and Tamarama. They stem from 23 countries, from China to the
Czech Republic, from the Ukraine to Iceland.
The exhibition is open until November 6th.
October 2023
After a pause of a few years, Keld Moseholm will be exhibiting “Square Root” at Sculpture by the Sea in Bondi, Australia in 2023.
The exhibition is open from 20 th October to 6 th November.
This is the 25 th exhibition and Keld Moseholm has participated 11 times before, as well as taking part in the Danish exhibition of the same name that was held in Aarhus on the initiative of the Danish crown prince and princess.
There are 100 artists participating, showing their work this year on the beach between Bondi and Tamarama. They stem from 23 countries, from China to the Czech Republic, from the Ukraine to Iceland.
This year, the curators have been Dr Malcom Bywaters - Gallery Director School of Creative Arts, University of Tasmania; Olga Cironis - Artist; Terence Maloon - Director, ANU Drill Hall Gallery & University Art Collection; and Dr Nien Schwarz - Artist ; Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Humanities, Edith Cowan University.
May 2023
Shortly before his death, Keld Moseholm decided to create a new sculpture, “Transformation”, and place it on the little patch of green in the crossing close to his home on the corner of Knoldsborgvej and Dyreborgvej.
It is a very large piece: 3.10 meters high and 1.10 meters wide.
Bente Moseholm has already been contacted by passers-by who miss the sculpture “Catch Me” which has stood in that space for several years. However, she can reassure them - it isn’t gone. It now stands in the sculpture park.
“Transformation” is in bronze and granite and was cast at Skulptur Støberiet in Svendborg.
May 2023
Three of Keld Moseholm's sculptures, Paraphrase of The Tin Drum, The Fisherman and Kiss on a Bench, can be seen until the end of 2024 at Rungstedgaard on Strandvejen in Rungsted, right next to Karen Blixen's home, Rungstedlund.
Galleri 5000 in Odense is behind the exhibition in collaboration with
Rungstedgaard. See more about the exhibition
At Egeskov Castle in the middle of Funen you can see another of Keld Moseholm's works, his Hans Christian Andersen figure.
March 2023
After 27 years in the center of Faaborg - in Kanneworff's yard - Keld Moseholm's sculpture "Lene" has been moved. She will remain in Faaborg and those interested can see her at the Sundhedshuset on Markedspladsen.
The explanation for the move is that Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn, which owns "Lene", has sold the building complex where she was placed, and that the bronze statue is not included in the deal. Editor Torsten Cilleborg from Fyns Stiftstidende writes in a report about the move that Lene is Faaborg's second most photographed sculpture, surpassed only by Kai Nielsen's Ymerbrønd in the square (Torvet).
Keld Moseholm has also made other versions of women and swings, because he is fascinated by weightlessness – in this version Lene is shown at the moment when balance tips into imbalance or movement.
March 2023
Keld Moseholm's sculpture "The top and the ball" has also been moved.
It has stood for 20 years in Den Voigtske Gaard in Faaborg, where this photo originates, and was owned by Kirsten and Poul Styrbæk. They have now sold the building, and the sculpture has therefore been moved and is no longer visible to the public.
An apocryphal story in Faaborg is that Keld Moseholm was inspired by H.C.Andersen when he created the sculpture - and editor Karsten L. Sørensen wrote about it in an interview with Kirsten Styrbæk and her recently deceased husband Poul in 2002.
Karsten L. Sørensen explains that it was important for them to have the sculpture in Den Voigtske Gaard. "It was here in Faaborg that the young poet Hans Christian Andersen met Riborg Voigt, who was probably his deepest love, in 1830: But the love remained on a lyrical level - Riborg Voigt had her beautiful brown eyes on the neighbour's son, Poul Jacob Bøving, whom she married. 13 years later, Hans Christian Andersen met Riborg Voigt again, and by that time she had been through seven childbirths - and as a result had become a completely different person. The meeting gave Hans Christian Andersen inspiration for the fairy tale "Kærestefolkene" - the story of "The top and the ball", where the poet is the top, and Riborg is symbolized by the fine, silk-embroidered ball, which after five years in the house gutter had lost its youthful shine."
However, the story is different: Keld Moseholm worked for a period with a form element that resembles a funnel and had, among other things, created this one with a small round man whose torso disappears into one. Kirsten and Poul Styrbæk saw the sculpture, and Poul Styrbæk exclaimed: It's "The top and the ball" which Kirsten agreed with. They also agreed that they had to acquire the sculpture for Den Voigtske Gaard, where the public was able to enjoy it for more than 20 years.
March 2023
Keld Moseholm's sculpture "Together we are strong" was placed in Australia in 2021 to mark friendship and solidarity with Tumbarumba in the Snowy Valley in New South Wales, which was most violently ravaged by fire in the summer of 2019 to 2020.
But it is not just fire that threatens the area – in the summer of 2022, the area was hit by a major flood and Keld Moseholm's sculpture was partially submerged.
- Fortunately, it survived, the organization behind the sculpture project reported back.
August 2022
Kiss the moon was placed in Kirkeby November 2020.
3 sculptures placed in the foyer of the school's sports hall - the Arena - on 3 September. The sculptures are a gift from the OD student union on the occasion of the school's 100th anniversary in 2020.
On 4.9. In 2020, BALANCE and IMMERSION were placed at Mulernes Gymnasium in Odense on the occasion of the School's 300th birthday.
The artwork is in two parts, which are placed along the cycle path from the road to the school buildings.
It is possible to follow the installation process on Mulerne's website ( under Jubilee.
Opening hours:
Contact for visits by appointment.
There are no exhibitions at the moment.
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